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We create a safe space for all women

pomocí fotografií, stylingu a videa ?

What am I doing

Žena a sloup


from professional make-up, hairdressing and hair care to self-discovery of your outer beauty

Mladá žena s kudrnatými vlasy


from professional make-up, hairdressing and hair care to self-discovery of your outer beauty

Natáčení videa


Shooting and editing videos for personal and professional purposes


experiential classes for women's growth, fun and friendship for all, and styling and photography workshops

6 frustrací při výběru fotografa pro sociální sítě a Brand

 důvodů, proč je výběr správného fotografa pro sociální média klíčový: Zjistěte, jak můžeme překonat vaše očekávání a zmírnit vaše obavy, a získejte zdarma konzultační termín !

Granátové jablko

Nedostatek porozumění značce


Nedostatek kvality


Nedostatek komunikace

Fotograf by měl být schopen pochopit a zachytit jedinečnou značku klientky a přizpůsobit tomu svou práci.

Frustrace může vyvolat nedostatečná kvalita fotografií, která neodpovídá očekáváním klienta.

Frustrace nedostatečnou komunikací s fotografem, což může vést k nesprávně pochopeným požadavkům.

Červená Chili Pods

Nedostatek flexibility

Frustrace, pokud fotograf není schopen flexibilně reagovat na potřeby klienta vzhledem k ceně, harmonogramu nebo specifickým požadavkům.


Nedostatek profesionality

Klienti mohou být frustrovaní nedostatkem profesionality, což se může projevit v opožděných dodávkách, nedbalosti nebo nevhodném chování.

Pikantní papriky

Cenová dostupnost

Jasná cenová struktura a možnosti plateb představují klíčový faktor pro podnikatelky s omezeným rozpočtem.

Lets make Wooo and start glowing!

​I write a blog and fill social networks about experiences and news, about existing projects

Objednej si konzultaci!

Subscribe to the newsletter and get not only fresh tips for your beauty, but also as the first invitation to the various events that we organize under the Woooman banner

Wooo! A jste v tom s námi

I'm Camila Dettlaff
and this is the Woooman story

Portrétní a brandingové fotografování s Camilou Dettlaffovou

Portrétní a brandingové fotografování s Camilou Dettlaffovou

Play Video

Co říkají moji klienti o
práci se mnou?

Sigrid Weiler
wedding speaker

Camila Dettlaff is an outstanding photographer who specializes in depicting and capturing the feminine essence. Thanks to her sensitive and creative approach, she successfully captures the unique qualities and strength of every woman and expresses them in her photographs. Her vision goes beyond the surface and the goal is to make the true essence of every woman visible through her work.

Wedding spokesman, international

Silvie Hynčicová

What can I say...maybe just a big thank you, Kami. It was great. From the first moments when you let me testify, which was almost therapeutic and very beneficial for me. I got a lot of clarity about my next professional presentation. You were able to create a very pleasant and relaxing environment even for me, a person who really doesn't like taking pictures (that's why I didn't have any personal photos either).

Silvie Hynčicová, Kundaliny Joga, kosmetika,zdravotní cvičení, Olomouc

TOPPP s.r.o.

Camila creates content for us on social networks and always surprises us with her energy and enthusiasm

Jumping Fitness 

Jsme neskutečně šťastní myt Camilu v našem týmu.

Speaker Excellence 

Camila pro nás fotí různé Eventy a jsme vždy obohaceni její nenápadnou 
a professionalni přítomností

Tatjana Skopek

I met Camila at a networking event. Her spontaneous, open and sympathetic approach will immediately impress you. She was really fun to shoot with. She is spontaneous, has crazy ideas, likes to try new things and makes photography a real experience, not just a "dry necessity". Her joy is contagious and this creates a lightness that will eventually be reflected in the photographs. In my case, it was corporate photos for social media. I really like the resulting photos. I feel completely authentic in them. Many thanks, Camila!

Tatjana Skopek, Wien, mentorka

ARTBUCHTA, Martina Müller 

Camila je skvěla a rychlá, artfotky jsem si nechala dělat poprvé a jsem nesmírně spokojena.

Martina Müller, cooking courses, architect Brno

Barbara Bourguignon 

Personal Branding photography by Camila Dettlaff: effective, expressive, simply great! The benefit I received from the Personal Branding photo shoot with Camila Dettlaff and the resulting photos is huge, both financially and mentally. Camila has a gift for instantly understanding people, situations, environments and what you want to achieve with the photos. It's fun to be guided in front of the camera by her.

Barbara Bourguignon , Copywriter Saarbrúcken D

Karin Vaig 

As a healthcare fundraiser, this year is particularly challenging. Relaxing in nature with my wonderful dog helps me recharge. They are beautiful moments that I would like to capture forever. Thanks to Camila, I enjoy these wonderful moments, captured in the picture, even years later.

Karin Vaig, Fundraiser Stuttgart D

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